PJHS is trying out the 3D printers in the I.C.E Box STEM lab.
about 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Reminder for the week: Wednesday, February 26th, is a half-day school improvement day. All schools will dismiss 3 hours early.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Skinner
Ms Hahnenkamp’s class tweeter of the day is showing the class at library this week and one of their favorite books.
about 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Ms Hahnenkamp’s class loves to go to music with Mrs Tynan! Dancing and drumming are so much fun!
about 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
Mrs Holman has been teaching about functional and non-functional art. These are the projects that Ms Hahnenkamp’s class created. Are they functional or non-functional? The tweeter of the day took these pictures of what they do in art class.
about 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
All of third grade doing a RAK for Brewin’ Hope Coffeeshop. We decorated the cardboard holders that go on the outside of their coffee cups. ❤️
about 4 years ago, Mrs. King
Congratulations to Marshall Pierce and Jacen Stout who signed the Wall of Fame this week for being responsible students!
about 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Foods & Nutrition classes made a memory match game to help learn what to look for and what to avoid when choosing fresh vegetables.
about 4 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Hockey season has officially started. A great 1st day of games.
about 4 years ago, Brent McKinney
8th hour
8th hour
5th hour
5th hour
Pana FFA would like to invite you to breakfast on Wednesday the 26th from 6:30am to 8:00am. We will be serving at the Pana Ag Dept. Menu includes biscuits and gravy, pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, and coffee. Please comment below or rsvp to bwood@panaschols.com or to eperry@panaschools.com. The public is invited to come and help us celebrate National FFA Week!
about 4 years ago, Emily Perry
Join us for Breakfast!
Hockey season has officially started. A great 1st day of games.
about 4 years ago, Brent McKinney
The 6th grade class had some fun with the date of 2/20/2020. They took a historic picture capturing 2:20 P.M. on 2/20/2020!
about 4 years ago, Juletta Ellis
Mr. Pierce's resource classes have been experimenting with virtual reality headsets.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Pierce
Students experimenting with VR
Students experimenting with VR
Foods & Nutrition class cooks fried rice after learning all about grains!
about 4 years ago, Lindsay Shriver
Ms Hahnenkamp’s class did their first Fish Bowl Circle today. The kids gave Ms Hahnenkamp suggestions on what to do when she feels sad. Many great ideas were shared.
about 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration
The horticulture class started some Kale and Swiss Chard today. We will see which ones germinate better, the ones in the greenhouse or those in the germinator.
about 4 years ago, Emily Perry
Planting Kale.
More planting
Ready to plant!
Lincoln School hosted Grandparent Bingo on 2/14. The students enjoyed playing BINGO with their grandparents. A 3rd 4th n 5th grade grandparent was awarded with a basket of free items for a night out in Pana.  Student prizes were earned for Bingo's and 3 lucky students won a Monopoly board game. A special thanks goes out to all the grandparents, Lincoln staff, Mr. Bauer, Mr. Malisia, Mr. Metzger, and Mr. Donahue for making the event run smoothly. Also thanks to The Roseland Theater, McDonald's, Casey's, and Pizzaman for donations to our event.  All of your support made the event successful!
about 4 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
Working on hockey skills. 1st games are Friday.
about 4 years ago, Brent McKinney
8th hour
8th hour
8th hour
During L.E.A.D. today at Lincoln Elementary, students worked on STEMpathy projects focusing on the word of the week (sympathy). They were given a scenario and a problem to solve using Legos. They then shared with the class.
about 4 years ago, Lincoln Elementary (Mrs. Millburg)
This group of students from Ms Hahnenkamp’s class were working with the Gizmo and Gadget set. They used their prior knowledge from the circuit set to help them. They are ready to try and make a car.
about 4 years ago, Hahnenkamp-K-5 Tech Integration