July 19, 2023
Dear Parents or Guardians,
We are pleased to inform you that Pana School District #8 will be implementing a new option available to schools participating in the Nationa...

May 26, 2023
PLEASE PASS THE WORD: Anyone with a child who will be 5 ON OR BEFORE Sept 1 should fill out the screening tool that is located on the Panaschools web site , on the Washington Scho...
May 15, 2023
Please join us for a Retirement Reception Monday, May 15, 2023 from 4pm - 5:30pm in the PHS Panther Den for the following Retirees: Janie Schmitz Ron Brown Mary Beth Denton ...
May 12, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No. 8 in the County of Christian, State of Illinois, that an amended budget for...

April 27, 2023
Please see the attached notice from the Pana CUSD #8 Board of Education on the board member vacancies. Please see the attachment below on how to submit your letter of inquiry.
April 19, 2023
Please join us in celebrating our outgoing board members. We will have a reception April 26th in the High School Commons at 5:30pm
April 1, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is with deep sadness that I inform you about the loss of a student this evening.
Our District is committed to doing everything we can to he...
March 24, 2023
Attention Parents, Guardians, and Students: Please see the link below for the approved FY23-24 School Calendar. FY23-24 School Calendar
March 23, 2023
Lunch Fees and School Fees
Go to panaschools.com and click the Lumen link at the top of the page
Enter your
Location Code

February 28, 2023
Calling out to all Pana HS students and school supporters,
Pana High School is participating in the American Red Cross school blood drive program. You are being called on to pa...

December 21, 2022
**** UPDATE**** Looking for something to do over the break? Head on over to Riverton for some exciting Pana Panthers Girls basketball. *note that their might be a change ...

December 20, 2022
Looking for something to do over the break? Head on over to Vandalia for some exciting Pana Panthers basketball.

December 9, 2022
Attention PHS Guardians & Students: Senior orders need to be placed ASAP in order to receive the reduced rate. Pricing is good through December 15, 2022. After this date new...

November 18, 2022
Hey Panther Fans! Check out the attached schedule for the upcoming Girls Basketball Tournament. Plenty of opportunities to support our Panthers!

November 8, 2022
Calling out to all Pana HS students and school supporters,
Pana High School is participating in the American Red Cross school blood drive program. You are being called on to pa...

November 3, 2022
Pana Schools Parents and Guardians: Please see the latest update regarding the incident at Pana Schools. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our num...

November 2, 2022
Pana Schools Parents and Guardians: Please see the latest update regarding the incident at Pana Schools. As always, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our num...

November 2, 2022
Attention Pana Schools Parents and Guardians, Please see the linked letter regarding Pana Schools. https://5il.co/1k566